Cambodia Adventure Tours

Tour Code: TCT-42A

Tour Category: Adventure Tours

Tour Highlight:

A private tour visit Phnom Penh, Kampong Cham, Kratie (Dolphin), Stueng Treng, Rattanakiri, Mondulkiri, Kampong Thom, Siem Reap with personal guide.

Day 01: Arrival Phnom Penh

Arrive Phnom Penh around noon – visa processing - meet with guide transfer to the hotel. Afternoon half day city tour, visit National Museum of Khmer Arts, Silver Pagoda on the same ground of Royal Palace, River Front Park and renowned Wat Phnom Hill. Overnight Phnom Penh.

Day 02: Phnom Penh - Kampong Cham – Kratie (Dolphins)

After early breakfast this morning, we drive to Kompong Cham, one of Cambodia’s largest towns, located on the banks of the mighty Mekong River to explore the French Colonial houses in the city. On the way visit the unique Angkorian temple of Wat Nokor, an 11th century Mahayana Buddhist shrine built from sandstone and literate. After lunch cross the Mekong River by the Japanese-built bridge and drive to Chup, a rubber plantation in the region established by the French tire maker Michelin. Continue to Kratie on a laterite road. Stop at Chhlong, a small village on the Mekong river's bank with both Khmer and colonial architecture. Visit the unique and beautiful wooden house supported by 100 columns (19th C).  Upon arrival check in at hotel. Overnight in Kratie. {B}

Day 03: Kratie – Stueng Treng

In the morning visit the old colonial town of Kratie and visit  Phnom Sambok where you could see a good view of the rice field up to Vietnam border with a fresh air and Kampi, which boast the major sights in this region. A view over the surrounding area from the temple is impressive. After a local lunch, we visit the rare freshwater dolphins of Cambodia at Kampi, about 15km north of Kratie before continue to Steung Treng by road. Upon arrival check in at the hotel. Overnight in Steung Treng. {B}

Day 04: Steung Treng – Rattanakiri (Eco-Tourism)

In the morning city tour around this outpost town. There is not many thing to see Stungtreng apart from the countryside and few temples before driving to Banlung,  capital of Ratanakiri, nicknamed the “Red City” because of the omnipresent laterite. Transfer to Terres Rouges Lodge (superb house built of precious wood, located by a lake, in the middle of a wonderful garden), In the afternoon, departure for a small trip through rubber plantations towards the nearby waterfalls; we end up with a detour to Yaklaom lake, a beautiful and perfectly-round stretch of water, surrounded by forest, for a late afternoon swim. Overnight at Rattanakiri. {B}

Day 05: The Tampoun Totems

Direction northwest today, we cross bamboo forests before reaching the village of Voeune Saï located on the left bank of the Sé San river ; the view on the Chinese village on the other side of the river is quite pretty. Besides, this place is nearly a Chinese enclave in Cambodian territory, most villagers, who are there the thirties, don't even speak Khmer. Upstream of the Se San are a certain number of Tampoun villages that practice funeral statuary ; if it is possible, we will rent a boat to go to the village of Ka Choan that has superb totems, if not we will reach it by jeep. Overnight at Rattanakiri. {B}
Day 06: The Kroeung Territory

We’re going full North today, heading towards Laos and the village of Taveng. We first cross Veyrum Plang, a round lava field in the forest; a few steps away there is a small waterfall (in the rainy season only) surrounded by tigers caves. Later on, we stop at some nice Kroeung villages located in the forest on both sides of the road.
The more North we go, the more beautiful the forest. In some Kroeung villages, depending on the season, we might discover some quite impressive bachelor houses built on very high stilts.  Let’s notice that, when they have achieved their goal and when the young man has become head of a family, these houses are destroyed before being raised again by younger men the following season. Depending on the time and the state of the dirt road, we will choose a location for a picnic before exploring the nearby villages. Overnight at Rattanakiri. {B}

Day 07: The Zircon Mines Of The Three-Districts

Woken up early by the songs of the rooster, pig and buffalo… we cross the river to get back to our car and drive back to Banlung where we try (fruitlessly?) to look human again before leaving for the Three-Districts area. The dirt track leading to the Three-District mining area is one of the worst of the country: 35 km of 30 to 70cm-deep ruts concealing stumps and other branches destroying bodies under the car, lower backs and fuel tanks. The vehicles that dare to take this “back-to-Hell” road are, most of the time, old Russian jeeps close to their own end, their tires are often covered with chains and their overall appearance is often far from the initial design of their creator… At least they usually make it in one day, that’s the main thing! Through huge rubber trees forests planted by the French in 1961 and then the Tampoun jungle, you reach the Three-Districts mining area, kind of tropical slum or favella populated by 3000 people lost in the middle of the Cambodian forest. This “Zircon Rush” has transformed this place into a massive Swiss cheese drilled with hundreds of 60cm-wide 12m-deep wells. The miners go down without any safety equipment in these wells (whose sides have not even been propped up!) using candles for lighting. Accidents occur sometimes. Two kilometers away, there is the seven-tiered waterfall, called that way because the river is interrupted by seven rocky floors, creating waterfalls where you shower and swim with pleasure. Overnight at Terres Rouges. {B}
Day 08:  Ratanakiri – Mondulkiri

Early morning drive to Sen Monorom, Capital of Mondulkiri, located at a high elevation, supporting unique flora and fauna among its hills. Upon arrival, check in hotel. Overnight in Mondulkiri. {B}

Day 09: Mondulkiri – Elephant Riding

In the morning drive to the minority group of Phnong at Putang Village. From the village take an elephant ride through the forest to enjoy the unique scenery of this remote, windswept province and taking a rest at the waterfall before returning back to the province. Afternoon, exploring the small town of Sen Monorom, a charming little community set amid rolling hills, with visit to a waterfall that doubles up as the local swimming pool and ending the day at Phnom Doh Kromom (Maiden breast hills) to view the nice view of Mondulkiri town and watch the sunset from the top of the hill. Overnight in Mondulkiri. {B}

Day 10: Mondulkiri - Bou Sraa Waterfall

Drive 37km to the east to Bou Sraa Waterfall with stop to visit minority villages along the way. Bou Sraa Waterfall is most impressive in Cambodia. There is an unusual double drop, plunging 15m then 30m into the jungle below. Afternoon, continuing to visit the Busra weaving village before returning back to town by stop en-route to see the nice scenery of Sea Forest (Samoth Chheu) and ending the day at Phnom Doh Kromom (Maiden breast hills) to view the nice view of Mondulkiri town and watch the sunset from the top of the hill. Overnight in Mondulkiri. {B}
Day 11: Mondulkiri - Kompong Thom

After early breakfast this morning, we drive to Kompong Thom, on the way brief tour at Kompong Cham to visit Phnom Pros (Man Hill) & Phnom Srei (Woman Hill), each with its own temple before continuing to Kg. Thom province by stop en-route at Skun district where the spiders are available to see or taste and could get a good photo with it before continuing to visit the 11th century Wat Kohear Nokor temple to meet local monks and villagers. Overnight in Kompong Thom. {B}

Day 12: Kompong Thom – Siem Reap

Morning drive to the 7th century temple of Sambor Prei Kuk. En route enjoy scenes of traditional daily life of rural Cambodia. Visit the ancient capital of Chenla with its 100 temples dating from the Pre-Angkor period. The complex at Ishanapura is composed of four groups of temples that are among the most ancient surviving examples of Khmer architecture. Picnic lunch on site or return to town for lunch before drive to Siem Reap (147km/2hrs). On arrival check in hotel. Overnight in Siem Reap. {B}

Day 13: Rolous Group And Small Circuit

Arrive in the morning – meet with guide for transfer to hotel. The same morning tour to Rolous Group including Preah Ko, Bakong, Lo Lei. Afternoon tour to Small Circuit including Prasat Kravan (Cardamon sanctuary), Banteay Kdei, Srah Srang (Royal Bath), Ta Prohm (Jungle Temple), Takeo, Thommanon and Chau Say Tevoda. Overnight Siem Reap. {B}

Day 14: South Gate Angkor Thom And Angkor Wat

Early morning, view sunrise at Angkor Wat. Transfer to hotel for breakfast. The same morning, tour to South Gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon, Baphoun, Terrace of the Elephants and Terrace of the Leper King. Afternoon visit the World Seventh Wonder of Angkor Wat and view sunset at Phnom Bakheng Hill. Overnight Siem Reap. {B}

Day 15: Banteay Srei And Grand Circuit

Morning visit to Banteay Srei (Citadel of the women) and Kbal Spean (The rivers of 1000 lingas). Afternoon visit Grand Circuit including Pre Rup (Change the body), East Mebon, Ta Som, Neak Pean, Preah Khan and Baksei Chamkrong. Overnight Siem Reap. {B}

Day 16: Floating Village

Morning visit War Museum and Les Artisans d’Angkor - Chantiers Ecole where visitors can observe students learning traditional carving and finishing techniques and visit Siem Reap Market. Afternoon tour to floating village and boat trip on Tonle Sap Great Lake and view sunset at Phnom Krom. Dinner with Khmer Traditional Dance Show. Overnight Siem Reap. {B}

Day 17: Holy Mountain And Waterfall

Morning full day tour to Holy mountain of Phnom Kulen visit Liga carving, a legacy of the God-kings who ruled Cambodia in the ninth century, One of the eight water sources, Sleeping Buddha, and the Waterfall of Phnom Kulen.  Overnight Siem Reap. {B}

Day 18: Siem Reap – Banteay Chhmar – Banteay Toap – Battambang

After breakfast at hotel, drive to the northwest to Banteay Mean Chey province – Sisophon (105km/2.45hrs) and continuing to visit Banteay Chhmar temple (60km/1.13hrs), one of the capitals of Jayavarman II. It was rebuilt by Jayavarman VII and dedicated to his sons and four generals who were killed in battle repelling a Cham invasion in 1177. The sandstone structure, built in the 11th century and dedicated to the deity Avalokiteshvara, suffered significant damage during repeated Thai invasions, although many of its huge bas-reliefs, which are said to be comparable of those of the Bayon and Angkor Wat, still remain. Proceeding to Banteay Torp temple and having pinic lunch on site before returning back to Sisophon and Battambang province (120km/2.15hrs). Arrive in Battambang and check in at hotel.  Overnight in Battambang. {B}
Day 19: Wat Ek Phnom, Phnom Sampeau, Killing Field - Phnom Banon

After breakfast at local restaurant, the same morning, we visit the Provincial Museum and drive along the picturesque Sangker River to visit Wat Ek Phnom (11th century - Suryavaman I). Then, proceeding to visit Phnom Sampeau and killing field/cave. Afternoon, we visit Phnom Banon, with its five sandstone towers on the top of a hill and enjoy a magnificent view of the surrounding plains. Return to Battambang for a walk through the town to discover its beautiful Colonial architecture and along the Sangke River. Overnight in Battambang. {B}

Day 20: Old Capital Of Cambodia - Phnom  Praset – Phnom Penh

Morning, drive back to Phnom Penh. On the  way stopover in Ou Dong for visit the various temples and the three large stupas where the ashes of three former kings are preserved. Next visit the Vihara of 18Cubit Buddha, Enjoy the beautiful view of the surrounding plains and rice-fields from the hilltop temple. Continue driving to Phnom Praset, visit the Pre-Angkorian temple (8thC) and the pagoda to view the reclining Buddha. Then drive back to Phnom Penh. On arrival check in hotel. Overnight in Phnom Penh. {B}

Day 21: Phnom Penh – Departure

Morning free at leisure until transfer for departure flight. End of services. {B}

Services Inclusion

  • Hotel accommodation with breakfast (Base on Twin sharing)
  • Tours with English speaking guide
  • Ground transport with air-con vehicle as stated in itinerary
  • Boat rental fee for tour per applicable program
  • All entrance fees to tour sites throughout
  • Meals: Breakfast {B} only

Services Exclusion

  • Cambodia visa fee currently US$20 / pax payable upon arrival
  • Domestic and International Air tickets
  • Domestic and International Insurance Surcharge
  • Domestic airport tax PNH-REP or V.V US$6
  • International airport tax departure PNH: US$25. REP US$25
  • Meals and drinks
  • Personal expenses such as drinks at meals, camera fee to tour sites
  • All other accounts are not mentioned in the above inclusion

Oop, Rates are not available! Please contact our Sales Team.

Deluxe A (5-Star)

CitySelected Hotels
Phnom PenhRaffles Le Royal Hotel
Siem ReapRaffles Grand Hotel D’Angkor, Park Hyatt, Anatara Angkor Resort
Sihanouk VilleSokha Beach Resort

Deluxe B (5-Star)

CitySelected Hotels
Phnom PenhSofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra,The Great Duke Phnom Penh or similar
Siem ReapSofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort,, Victoria Angkor, LE MERIDIEN ANGKOR or Shinta Mani Boutique
Sihanouk VilleSokha Beach Resort

Deluxe C (5-Star)

CitySelected Hotels
Phnom Penh Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel& Residence, Naga World Hotel, Himawari Hotel Apartments
Siem ReapGrand Soluxe Angkor Palace Resort, Sokha Angkor, Sokhalay Villa/Hotel, Borei Angkor, Angkor Village Resort/Hotel or similar
Sihanouk VilleSokha Beach Resort

First A (4-Star)

CitySelected Hotels
Phnom PenhSunway Hotel, White Mansion Boutique, Himawari Hotel and Apartment, Imperial Garden Villa& Hotel, Away Villa Salt Boutique, The Governor’s house, The Plantation Urban Resort, Frangipani Royal Palace Boutique, Cambodiana Hotel or similar
Siem ReapTara Angkor Hotel, Prince DAngkor, Royal Angkor Resort or similar
Sihanouk VilleIndependence Hotel, New Hill Resort

First B (4-Star)

CitySelected Hotels
Phnom PenhPhnom Penh Hotel, Harmony Hotel, Bali Resort, Teav Bassac Boutique Hotel & Spa, Frangipani Living Art Boutique, Away Green Oasis Boutique, Juliana Hotel, Almond Hotel, The Palm Boutique Hote, Phnom Penh Era Hotel, Kravan Hotel or similar
Siem ReapSomadevi Angkor Hotel, REE Hotel, Royal Angkor Palace Regency Angkor Hotel, Angkor Paradise Hotel, Steung Siem Reap Hotel, Empress Hotel, Pacific Angkor Hotel, Khemara Angkor Hotel, Saem Siem Reap Hotel or similar
Sihanouk VilleCambodian Resort, The Secret Garden, Holiday Villa Nataya, White Beach,Mary Beach Hotel or similar
BattambangClassy Hotel

Superior (3-Star)

CitySelected Hotels
Phnom PenhMito hotel, The Litz Hotel & Suite, Cardamom Hotel, Green Palace Hotel, La Parranda Hotel, Diamond Hotel, Ohana Hotel, Holiday Villa or similar
Siem ReapAngkor Holiday, Ibis Styles hotel, Royal Empire, Angkor Rivera, Starry Angkor, City River or similar
Sihanouk VilleSihanoukville Hotel , Serendipity Beach, Mary Bungalow, Grand or similar
BattambangBamboo Battambang, La Villa or similar
Kampong ThomSambo Village

Standard (2-Star)

CitySelected Hotels
Phnom Penh Asia Palace Hotel, Diamond Hotel, Asia Tune Hotel, Elite Boutique or similar
Siem ReapClaremont Angkor, Prum Bayon, Ta Prohm, Angkoriana, or similar
Sihanouk VilleGrand Sihanoukville Plaza Hotel or similar
BattambangBattambang Resort, Phka Villa, King Fy, Khemara I, Golden Palace or similar
Kampong ThomKampong Thom Villa, Steung Sen Royal Garden

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